Pixar Shorts Film Festival Data from 3:00 PM
Hurry over to Hollywood Land for a film festival headlining some of Pixar’s best-loved shorts.

Calling all animation aficionados! Fans young and old are in for an entertaining treat when Disney California Adventure Park hosts the Pixar Shorts Film Festival featuring 3 Pixar animated shorts in 3D.

Want to see an old favorite or one you may have missed? Stop by during select dates of Pixar Fest, when the Sunset Showcase Theater in Hollywood Land plays the following program continuously throughout the day:

Program 1 – April 13 through May 6, 2018

  • For the Birds
  • Lava
  • Piper

Program 2 – July 20 through September 9, 2018

  • Bao
  • La Luna
  • Sanjay’s Super Team

Known for innovative storytelling filled with emotional impact, Pixar’s animated short films will warm your heart and make you laugh. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to grab some 3D glasses and watch Pixar’s incredible little “gems” burst onto the big screen!

Entertainment subject to change or cancellation without notice.


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